Saturday, March 14, 2015

glimpse of Spring

well hello there spring! so glad you are here. 
hello blog. I'm still here. promise. 

::Life is full of school & fun. I'm always trying to find the right balance but I seem to manage & stay happy. After a long week last week the sunshine peeked out so Bronte and I  headed to the park for a day of swinging, sunshine, & laughter. Dang that girl always makes me laugh & brings me so much joy. She is the most real, genuine, and thoughtful person::
::hot springs & hot tubbing make for a great weekend::
::Pie  Pi day celebrating like the nerd people we are. actually more like the dessert loving people we are::
::school can be hard & being away from home and missing things like vacas to Cali can be hard. but I just have to keep telling myself that this is my time to learn and gain a greater education. we all have our time and this is mine. It will go by soo fast. like I can't believe I will graduate in less than a year and a half. sayyy what::
::that being said.. I'm needing a vacation stat. somewhere tropical please.
::lots & lots of strawberries and pineapple make me happy::
::i'm gonna be the fave auntie to the cutest little baby boy in August. can't wait!::
::I taught a Relief Society lesson 2 weeks ago on this talk and can't help but feel so much JOY as I read it. wow. the gospel  of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints brings so much happiness, hope, & light. How can you not partake of it? 
" Walking in the path of discipleship does not need to be a bitter experience. It “is sweet above all that is sweet.” It is not a burden that weighs us down. Discipleship lifts our spirits and lightens our hearts. It inspires us with faith, hope, and charity. It fills our spirits with light in times of darkness, and serenity during times of sorrow. It gives us divine power and lasting joy" 

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