Sunday, August 2, 2015

sunday happiness. fourteen

i've never been one to adequately be able to express my emotions.
or share my feelings in general.
hence why this blog is a scrapbook.
but here's some thoughts.

i've come to a conclusion that i am a simple minded person.
i have opinions but don't dig deep into them & debate.
i am in a major that requires a lot of critical thinking but i have to work hard at it & study a lot.
i have faith & a testimony, and in all honesty feel inadequate a lot of times of my knowledge and my teaching abilities.
i would say i am a semi-shy person that gets nervous talking in big groups of people (& aka boys) & am self-conscious in some ways or another.
i am ME. a girl with imperfections. insecurities. desires. questions. good intentions.
i am trying each day to become a better ME. the person God wants me to BE.

And to tell ya the truth i have been feeling confused.
Satan is real and will do anything in his power to make you feel inadequate, less, & down about yourself and your life. He has found my weaknesses and uses them in his favor to confuse me and cause me to break down at times. i know with all that i am that we have the power to set him aside.
We have our loving Heavenly Father (& earthly parents) that will protect us and strengthen us. we just have to ask for His help. I would say that is an easy yet hard thing to do. it takes a lot of humbling on our part. i know as we turn to our Father in Heaven with our weaknesses, He will make them strengths.

He has such a perfect love for each one of us. He wants the very best for us & He will be there every step of the way.

“We will never be alone if we live as we should, because our Father will always be with us to bless us. He wants us to be successful. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to achieve the good goals we set. He will do His part if we do our part.” ~Ezra Taft Benson

keep trying & keep believing.
happy sunday!

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