Friday, July 16, 2010

Great days in History...

We got to visit so many awesome places in Washington, D.C.
Places I have heard about and learned about for years and years.
It was such a cool experience to actually be in this special historic place, that so many great Presidents have walked.

I loved the Lincoln Memorial. Yes, it was as big as I imagined it to be. The whole time I kept thinking about "Night at the Museum 2" when Lincoln stood up and walked right out of the memorial. haha I don't know why that thought came to mind.

The Washington Memorial. It was so pretty with the water in front. and so so tall.

Haha Yeah for Utah!! The boys thought that it was the 'special' state just because it was the only one with a flower on top of it. Perhaps it is the best state. haha :)

The World War ll memorial.
Brigham Smile.... yep this is what he did. he's such a funny little boy.

And we even saw good ol' Lincoln. :) haha

And Miss Mary Pickergill. A famous flag maker.
Mary: "Where are you from?"
Us: "Utah."
Mary:" Oh, I don't know where that is. I've never heard of it."
We just kept explaining to her about Utah. and finally caught on that she was really being serious about her character and the time period. When there were only 13 colonies.
The first ladies exhibit in the Smithsonian museum was amazing!!
It told all about the amazing first ladies in the white house.
And showed the tradition of passing down all their Inaugarel ball gowns.
It showed all the original dresses from Martha Washington to Michelle Obamas.
Michelle Obamas dress was beautiful!! It's pictured here.
The original Dorthy from Wizard of Oz red slippers.
Lincoln's hat.
I thought it looked like metal haha.
But the Lincoln site in the museum was so informational. he truly dealt with so much as a President. He had so many trials and tribulations. it's crazy.
I have a ton of respect for that man.
haha the first Washington Memorial. They replaced it because it was to "immodest"
haha the dinosaur in the Smithsonian. The scenes in the movie "Night at the Museum Battle of the Smithson" was inspired by this artifact!

The Amazing Smithsonian museum. It was so cool, with all the original artifacts! I learned a lot.
And the amazing parentals of course. :)
haha again, Brigham playing cars and boats with a little thing he found on the ground.
what a wild imagination he has.

haha ya we got a little bored waiting for dad to get the car. ;)

Before leaving, we just had to get a picture by the famous White House!
Even if it is raining really hard and a storms going on.
I swear the weather in the East coast is bipolar. One minute it's blazing humid hot and the next it's raining cats and dogs. haha
But that doesn't stop us from touring coast to coast. A little rain doesn't hurt :)
I loved touring D.C.

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