Sunday, July 11, 2010

Oh Niagara. Let it fall.

We are now staying in Buffalo, New York. And not to far from Niagara Falls. So we decided to check the falls.

Isn't it just amazingly beautiful! so breath taking.

The fam with Niagara

but be careful. don't get to close. it would be a little frightening...

going through these crazy rapids.

But this is a little more frightening. a bird smoking! seriously what is the world coming to. haha
a small seagull looked at the cigar and quickly ran off then this unhealthy little thing came over. we had quite a laugh over this.
But not as much, as when suddenly, my dad saw a duck falling straight off the falls.
Oh silly birds.
What a beauty!!

This little Arabian baby made my day!! She was such a cutie. Every time I looked at her she was smiling and waving at whoever she saw. :)
Oh tolls. and Canada. yes our GPS led us into Canada. We couldn't turn around at the toll booths and headed right into Canada. And into the immigration office. We hadn't planned on entering Canada, so of course we didn't bring any sort of I.D or birth certificates. We got questioned, of course, but finally got out of there. We get to say, We went to Canada!

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