Sunday, August 21, 2011

yo Junior.

school is yet again in full swing.
I am loving it so far.
Really if only everday was like the first day of school though.
I love all the exciting nerves of who will be in your classes. I love seeing friends. I love new school clothes. I love new people. I love my half days with no college yet.  I love that i'm finally starting to accept change and embrace it. Life is change, and i'm glad i've realized that everything can't always go my way or stay the same. I feel I have found who I am and what I love in life a lot more lately. I look back at last year when I moved here and was the "new girl". I didn't know what I would be doing a year from then or what change would come my way. who knows I could of been the new girl all over again..No drastic changes happened, but I feel I have changed for the better. I know who I am, I know my standards, and I truly know the church is true.

I'm so happy with that choice I made to go to Desert Hills. ok. I basically just love it! I know I was/am supposed to go there. It brings me joy to go to high school and be a part of the Thunder family.
College is a whole different story. no joy for stress academy. But the cool school basically levels them out. i guess. All my classes at DHHS are electives so maby i just think of that school as fun: Foods. Seminary. Graphics. and Health. interesting right? especially since they are all overpopulated yet again by sophomores. It is sooo weird because I don't know any of them, and every where I look they are there. That means new friends, right. oh and the seniors are super super awesomepossum. I swear their whole class is hilar. I'm excited to get to know lots more people and hopefully be more involved in the school this year. cooldawg.

Oh and did I mention our student section is way too stinking fun! legit. when it's a black out: it is a blackout! when they cheer: we all cheer till our voices are so gone the next day. {experienced} no pics yet but here's one I stole from grandma ha.
k i'm on the wrong side. but i promise just for a sec. My cousin, Hunter Dimick, plays for the Syracuse Titans, which was playing Desert Hills that night. So, the whole fam was there to support. Go Desert Hills! Go Hunter! oh by the way we only lost by 2. 14-12. Oh and Hunter is the one with the full ride scholarship to the U! woo. ya he's pro.
The game was a blast, cheering in the front with ms. Haley Swenson and the seniors. k i basically love Haley. She is just another lovely Jodi Fisher and Sierra Sims. I love all these girls to death. The kindest girls I know. Haley just transfered to DHHS from Dixie and is loving it. and i'm loving it. she is awesome. I went to the temple with her yesterday and she discovered the happiness of Menchies ha.

Basically i'm excited for the lovely, adventurous Junior year. mm.. and sophomore in college. year. I'm loving the school, the people, and the fun!
woot to JR.

1 comment:

Whitney Marie said...

I came by to visit you at the success building, and guess who was not there???? You! Its ok Russel gave me a tight squeeze for you. He is "hilar", haven't heard that valley girl term for a while... ;) haha I still love you! Have fun and don't forget that your sister lives across the street from the college and thinks you might have just forgotten that her sister has stepped off the face of the earth! Come by and I will treat you to a watermelon snow cone-with real watermelon!