Thursday, December 27, 2012

i love Christmas Eve.


This is exactly how all of us here feel about Christmas Eve. So much excitement!!! Brigham just expresses it the most with his energy serges. (He seriously does this when he gets even a bit excited.. funniest habbit ever). But seriously Christmas Eve is my favorite, even a bit more than Christmas morning, because it is filled with excitement & traditions & family.
 Santa Clara Christmas Eve Pageant with Dad's side of the family. This is a fun tradition, especially remembering the days when I was in the pageant as a little angel. And it's always a good time when you're being entertained by children.
 Christmas Eve party and dinner at Grandma & Papa's afterwards. Always filled with yummy food and lots of family.
 These two are fantastic. Shout out to Whit for mostly all these pics!!
mother & sister
Me and Bella being funny like always. probably having a staring contest or playing paddy cake or something.
 Yeahh!! Christmas Jammie's from Grandma and Papa.
 Me and Bret being pretty thug in our girly pj tops.... or wife beater.
 Us matching PJ cousins. Bella and Jaysa are funny girls indeed.
 Doing the Jaysa pose.
Me and Sadie Jo.
I just love my cousins!!!

the girl cousins. 
& the crazy boy cousins. 

Then we came home to wait for Santa.
Santa was even lucky enough that we shared some of our Christmas chex crack with him.
 Mrs. Clause and Santa sure deserved it.

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