Sunday, May 12, 2013

Baby Rayden Benefit Concert 2K13

Baby Rayden's show was a total success and it was a blast! All those 4 am practices definitely payed off for this little guy. We earned over $7,800 in one night and over $11,000 in 4 short months all together. This concert definitely had a different feel to it because our sweet little cause had already traded in his boxing gloves for angel wings. The spirit and love for one another was so strong through out it and I could feel sweet Rayden watching over us... smiling. :)
This concert was also my last, so of course I was feeling a million different emotions at once. I just tried to soak in every minute of it as much as I could. The feeling of these concerts are unreal.
I was also voted the MVD for the concert & May's Sickie Sick dancer at the Vault.. The MVD in the words of Tia is, "the dancer who has been the most helpful, loving, selfless, improved, serviceable, all of the above good example." I have been so blessed to be involved with the vault and I know that without all of them I couldn't have accomplished all these things & be the person I have become.

Dance best friends for life! This will probably be the last time I dance on stage with my ky dog. We have danced together for SO many years I lose track. I love this girl and I'm so thankful for her example & friendship all these years.

 & of course Denny's at midnight after the show. we're just a little crazy.  haha

This post has been hard for me to write because Kalamity, Kaos, & the Vault Fambam mean so much to me. And this concert was my last concert performing with them (for now at least) since i'm moving up to college. I have learned so much these past 2 years being on Kaos. I've learned so much about life, service, and love. & so much more. I feel that I have improved immensely as a dancer and even more as a person. The people that I have met through the vault fambam are AMAZING and have been some of the biggest blessings in my life. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities I have been given because of this, the lessons I've learned, and the people I've come in contact with. I love you all and I will forever be cheering you all on & supporting the causes ♥

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