Sunday, May 12, 2013

graduate college before high school.... check!

You have no idea how terrified I have been to check my final grades that my professors posted a week ago...
I hate that feeeling when I feel that I have done everything I can to study & prepare for a test... and come out feeling like I failed miserably.
But you know what.
I did everything I possibly could and Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ helped me do the rest.
That is the beauty of grace.
I have been blessed, I came out of the semester with a goal complete..ALL A's. This was seriously one of my hardest semesters... and I did it.
I seriously couldn't have gotten through this semester without my loving, understanding, & patient mother & father, my best friend who stuck with me & is still my friend even when I spent a lot of weekends at home studying, dance which was my stress relief, my funny siblings who made me laugh even when I didn't feel like it, and my Heavenly Father who helped me get through all those tests & gave me strength to keep pushing on and finish the semester strong. I did indeed finish the semester strong & I am proud of my accomplishments from these past 3 years of college. I DID IT!

Graduated with my Associate's degree from Dixie State University with Honors.

 Sydni Hoppie is one of my best Success Academy friends. I definitely couldn't have made it through all those success academy classes without this girl and Bridgette Jensen. So many good times we've shared together as well!
 So thankful my dad could make it down for my graduation as well. He has been busy working hard for our family in Kansas and will be away for the rest of the summer. He's my biggest example of great work ethic and has taught me so much about working hard for what you want in life. Only you can make it happen! We miss him everyday at home but thank goodness for modern technology and face time. He's the best dad in the world!


 3 hours of graduation will do things to ya.....

And we celebrated with dinner at Ichiban's. We are the craziest family. I'm sure we are quite a site to see at restaurants... and see what I mean by them always making me laugh.

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