Wednesday, August 14, 2013

hit me

well today was a rather odd day. 
i woke up and the house was silent. 
completely empty I tell you. 
the children were off to their very first day of SCHOOL.
and i was not
now that kind of hit me like a load of bricks. 
i'm growing up. 
i'm heading off to college in exactly 2 weeks. 
(that hasn't hit me quite yet either.)
but i'm so so excited, you don't even know.

Anyways, Summer went by waaaaaayy toooo fast. Here's a little of what we did on the kiddo's last days of summer. 

me & lou became Mermaids 
night swimming with Whit & Conrad & this silly one. (photo courtesy of
 Jax & I hanging out the sun roof of my car after a nice summer nights cruise.  

& a little snow cone run with cute Brigs to end the Summer off just right. 

These sibs of mine are growing up waaaay too fast on me. We are all starting the school year at a brand new school: a new elementary school since we moved, Lindsey in  intermediate school, Jacob in middle school, Bret in High School, & i'm off to college. They all had such a great first day of school and are the cutest kids I know. 

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