Sunday, August 4, 2013

life long friends

I am beyond blessed to have the friends that I do. Each and everyone one of them have helped me become the person I am today. Each and every memory and each and every talk with them have influenced me. I'm the type of girl that doesn't care how many friends I have {anyone can be myy friend}. I'd rather have a few real close friends by my side than a million acquaintances though. I have been so blessed to have two life long friends come into my life, Kylee Martin and Haley Swensen. And I just adore them both so much. I have been friends with Kylee since elementary school and although we don't see each other as often as we should, it seems that we pick up right where we left off. I have so many great, funny memories with Ky dog that I will cherish forever. We've grown up and a lot has happened but I know that she will always be there for me.
I met Haley my Junior year of High School. I know that is crazy to think because it seems like we've been friends a lot longer than that. We both came into each others lives for a reason. We both prayed and longed for a friend that was like us. I would say we are definitely different than others. I love that we have so many similarities and share the same standards as each other. Haley inspires me (& everyone) to be a better person. She shines in every way possible and will be the best missionary.
I got to spend a day with both of my best friends and it was definitely a day well spent.

twinner Asian eyes that love ice cream. 

*I guess all I wanted to wear this week was this shirt + scrubs hahah*


Ivins Res. It's such a beauty, I could sit there all day admiring those beautiful mountains with the reflecting water. 
Hay Hay 
Ky Dog

HIKING THE D!! Finally! I have lived here my whole life and I've never hiked that thing. It's definitely a beauty up there. Especially at night. 
Self timer has done us wonders and stuff.
And I just had to add this because it gave me quite the laugh.
It's crazy that we will all be going our separate ways pretty soon. I will be off to college in about 3 short weeks (eeek), Haley just sent in her mission papers (wooo woo), & Kylee will be in her senior year of HS.
I just love all my friends and i'm super excited to make so many new friends up at BYU!

1 comment:

Haley S. said...

Sure love you brooklyn. Thanks for everything:)