Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Oh hey its been awhile since i've done a remake. Well lucky me, I took a sewing class at BYU last semester and learned to make all kinds of things. Even though that class was quite time consuming, I learned a lot of new sewing skills which will help me with those remakes (because I will probably very rarely make things from scratch) and maybe someday I can even make some cute little clothes for my kiddos. So here's some weird pictures of me in the clothes I made.. so i can remember them & how much time I put into that class. 

Here's the peter-pan collared shirt I made. I actually kind of like it. And the bubble necklace Whitney gave me totally makes it 10X cuter. seriously. 

Of course, like in every sewing class, we made a pair of PJs. I quite like this crazy pattern too. (My mom found all my fabric for these projects at a garage steal!!)

 & I made these two lovely (& wrinkly) skirts as well. (I was too lazy to iron them just for the pic, sorry mom ;)) 

I'm hoping to do some remakes this Summer with my new sewing machine I got for Christmas! 
Yeah for summer! Yeah for more time! Yeah for sewing!


Alexis said...

Hiiiii! I think you are so cute so I tagged you in my last post :)

katherine said...

You are so cute! That blue blouse is gorgeous on you!


this is awesome! i used to sew all the time. this made me miss it.

cute blog!
xx, keena