Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Happiness. six.

I'm so blessed to call these girls my roomies, best friends, & biggest examples! They will all be amazing missionaries and bring the true gospel to the hearts of many! Evie and Sarah both got their mission calls on the same day so, of course, a joint missionary call opening was happening! I felt the spirit so strong as they both opened their calls AT THE SAME TIME. I was so excited to hear where these wonderful ladies would be going for the next 18 months! Evie will be serving in Milan, Italy speaking Italian and Sarah will be serving in the Adriatic North mission speaking Croatian, Serbian, or other similar regional languages. SO amazing, right?! 
I feel I have been immensely blessed with the friends I have been surrounded by here at BYU. Almost all my friends here are getting their calls to serve and ALL my roomies are going on missions. I am so proud of them and I am so thankful for their examples to me and so many others! Sometimes it is hard for me to be one out of a few not going on a mission (as of right now. it's a possibility in the future). Especially when everyone you know is going and every speaker and talk here at BYU is pretty much on missionary work. Sometimes it makes me second guess myself and what i'm supposed to be doing at this point in my life. But I know i'm not supposed to do things just because everyone else is, the Lord has a plan for me. I just hope I'm doing His will and not my own. This weekend we had stake conference and something a general authority (a funny one too) said stuck out to me, "Real growth in the church means strengthening the work, not just enlarging it." What he said really gave me strength and assurance that at this point in my life I can be an example and missionary here without going on a mission. My mission right now is to be an example and friend to everyone around me; to my classmates, to strangers at the grocery store, to my social media friends, & through this here blog. I can help strengthen those around me and their testimonies of this true church. I hope I can be my Savior's hand and voice on this earth and truly share His love to others. 
I will forever have a missionary tag printed on my heart and His light shining through my eyes. 


Whitney said...

Love you brook and your sweet messages :) they strengthen me. I hope your doing good!

Kelli Gilbert said...

so awesome for your roommates!