Sunday, April 26, 2015

my people.

One of my favorite things about college is being able to meet so many new people each year. I have met so many new guys & girls this school year that have made my college experience so much more enjoyable & fun! Man, it's been a social year. I have loved my year living at the Elms with the ladies of AZOZ. The endless laughs, jokes, roomie dinners, Gilmore Girl cuddling, girl talk & ice cream. Oh, and you can't forget about breakfast club every Sunday night and relationship talk with all the boyz.  It's been the best. I'm thankful for each one of my roommates and their influence in my life. 

 Squid squad on point, like always. 
candid laughing pic. of course ;)

 I loved serving in Relief Society with these sweet sisters. They are such spiritual giants and I'm so thankful for their examples and selfless love to others. I'm gonna miss my 168th ward!
This AWESOME sister has been out for 5 months! love my favorite chilean and this picture!
Where do I start with this amazing clinical group of mine? I was so so blessed to be able to learn and grow and laugh with each one of these people this semester, even at the wee hours in the morning. I loved the time we got to spend with each other at the VA hospital in SLC. They are such a solid group of people that carry the light of Christ with them and a love for people and nursing. I learned so much from their sweet, thoughtful, and fun personalities. oh, and when my tire went flat on the way to clinicals at 5 in the morning...these were the people that were there to help me out! I'm so thankful for my clinical instructor as well and her "squiggly line personality". She taught me so much and has such a special knowledge and love for nursing.  I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty nervous for this semester and i'm so glad I got to experience it with these people. They helped me so much. I love going through nursing school with such sweet people like them!
Lunch with my favorite ladies! Elise, Baby Z (Elizabeth. that sweet smile just kills me), & Bella. I love having them so close! Shout out to Bella and her mission call to St. Louis, Missouri. She is going to be one great missionary and i'm so excited for her! 
And one of the biggest blessings in my life is helping & visiting my great grandma pearl every week. She is a women of faith, obedience, love, & strength. Plus, she is the spunkiest 93 yr old I know. I hope to be like her someday. Every week she tells me how grateful she is to have me so close and to have me help her each week. One week she was listing things she was grateful for like modern washers and dryers and so on, and then she turned to me and said "but you know what i'm most grateful for.. YOU". She is just the sweetest. I would have to say i'm even more grateful to be able to have her in my life and to be able to learn from her sweet spirit each week. Love you Grandma Pearl. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you have a fun group of roommates! I love that about college! I've just started my last year and I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can :)